Joomla Extension - fwTagsJoomulus

fwTagsJoomulus Module is a Joomla! 1.5 module that creates a tag cloud in flash. It is based on Joomla projects: Tags and Joomulus.

Joomulus is a flash based tag cloud for Joomla based on the beautiful wp cumulus for Wordpress which is the brain child of Roy Tanck.

fwTagsJoomulus provides a small enhancement to the Joomulus module and provides tag component support. It allows you to display tags using a Flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works just like a regular tags cloud, but is more visually exciting. This is an IE6 proof version of Joomulus using user defined tags only. This cuts down on server load and is much more reliable.

The major difference in those versions is that tagging relies on the free Tags component. It's solid, reliable and bug free.


  • Joomla! 1.5.19 (stable or any later version)
  • PHP 4.4.1 (or any late rversion) with swf support
  • Tags module

Installation in Joomla!1.5:

  • Extensions » Install/Uninstall » Select the file to install » Upload File & Install.
  • Extensions » Module Manager » fwTagsJoomulus » Enable Module.


Configuration of fwtagsJoomulus module is related to the following parameters.

fwtagsjoomulus module

Criteria is a value related to the Tags component. Select one of the following values: most popular, most read or latest.

The width and height should be set to the width of the module position you are using.

By adjusting the X scale  to 2 (horizontal width) the tag cloud is given an oval aspect - if we left the XY scale at 1 then the tag cloud would appear round.

Text Color 1 provides the foreground color and Text Color 2 the background color of teh text - tags floating in the mid-ground will have a mixture of these two color values.

Speed is self explanatory - play with this and see what works for you.

Transparency has been set to yes in our example and allows us to make use of the background of our template.

Please publish modules in offcanvas position.